Taylor Jones

"Building a strong foundation is key to a full understanding of the core principles of interaction design. This first project aims to start you off on that journey of discovery. A project in three parts, you will explore the building blocks of design – point, line, plane – which will help form the foundations of future content both on this course and in your future career."

Part 1

For the first part of the project, point, I chose to represent the words multiply, reflect and dominance with circles or 'points'.


For the word multiply, I decided to look at cell division for inspiration. Ironically, cell division was the best way, I found, for me to represent the word multiply despite them being very obvious opposites. I looked at some diagrams of cell division to get an idea on how I would present my grid and found the below images which I mainly drew my inspiration from:



I knew I wanted to represent this idea with fewer circles, given that our grids are only 9x9 and it would be difficult to read if I cluttered the area. So, I represented the first image in my grid with the third step of the division omitted to save space.


The first box has one circle which then forms into two conjoined circles in the second step of the multiplication (or division, whichever way you look at it) and finally the dots separate in the third box to show the multiplication is complete and one dot has become two.


To represent the word reflect, I initially looked at photos of reflections on water and in mirrors and looked at reflective dot vectors for inspiration:



However, I felt any way I could represent this in a 9x9 grid with just black circles would be very basic and underwhelming to look at and started wondering how I could make something different. I started to look at the word reflect in more of a 'looking back on something' perspective. After deciding that I wanted to take this approach to representing the word reflect, I started looking for examples.

Unfortunately, finding examples that fit the project was easier said than done. When I looked up images to show reflection in the context I had chosen to follow, I was met with hundreds of thousands of images like the following:
