
Task 1

Find an article about branding and write a summary. What is it about? What is your key takeaway from it? How might the information be useful in future?

Article: When you need Branding and when you need Marketing by Forbes

What is the article about?

The article looks at the importance of branding and marketing as two separate and equally important entities. The author discusses the common ignorance of designers when it comes to marketing, with many focusing on building a fantastic brand with no marketability. The author describes this process as building a strong foundation with no house- yes you have a great base to go off but you have no house to live in. The author stresses the importance of being specific and focused in your work, think ahead but don’t live in the mindset of the end goal. The finished product and the process of getting there should be seamlessly intertwined.

Key Takeaways

My key takeaways from the article are: